Clear Your Inbox and Hit Unsubscribe on These 5 Things
A close up view of a laptop and web browser set on a Gmail account. Behind the laptop is a bright orange light, which looks like a bonfire.
There are two kinds of people in the world: those whose email inbox is always at zero (ahem, my husband!) and those whose email inbox….well, let’s just say there are a lot of unread messages.
When it comes to my business, I’m on top of it all, but my personal inbox? You could say it’s a bit out of control. I check it once a day but my process is to look for the important messages, and leave the rest.
Which means the number of unread emails climbs and climbs and climbs each day.
Recently, when going through my messages, I noticed an email from a retail company I hadn’t purchased anything from in years. This made me pause and I thought to myself: Why am I still subscribed to these emails?
And that was all it took to set me off on an unsubscribing frenzy!
Through this process, I was often directed to a page with one singular multiple choice question asking the reason I was unsubscribing. I scanned through the options to see which fit best and landed on one that triggered the light bulb moment within me.
This content is no longer relevant to me.
And it got me thinking…
What else in my life do I need to unsubscribe from? What thoughts, patterns, ideas or beliefs am I holding onto because they once were relevant or serving me, but quite simply, don’t align with where I’m going?
I ran upstairs, grabbed my journal and started to list a few:
The idea that everything I do has to be perfect
The fear that I’m not good enough
The belief that I am only worthy if I am working and busy
The pattern of procrastination
The habit of mindlessly scrolling through social media
So much “junk mail!” I decided then and there that it was time to be more intentional about what I was subscribing to not only in my inbox, but in my life.
Take this as your sign to hit the unsubscribe button on the things that are no longer serving you. The beliefs that are no longer relevant to you, the fears that keep you small and the patterns that are holding you back from living and leading your best life.
If this story resonates with you and you’re thinking “I want to clear my inbox too!” then I challenge you to take it one step further.
Grab your journal and list out one idea, one fear, one belief, one pattern and one habit that you want to send right to junk mail going forward. Commit to unsubscribing to those 5 things and ask yourself: What are 5 things you can subscribe to instead? What are new and upgraded ideas and beliefs that support you and the woman you are becoming?
This is how you take back conscious control over how you spend your time and energy and intentionally take a step towards your personal growth.
No more crowded inboxes over here!
As for me? I’m signing up for more trust in myself, more belief in my ability to navigate challenges and more confidence that the world needs me to be exactly who I am.
On the left: Text reads “Personal Growth for Modern Corporate Women, Commit to yourself & growing into the next version of you.” Below is a radio button that says “Tell me more!” and by clicking the photo, you are directed to a page where you can learn more about coaching with Lauren.
On the right: There is a picture of Lauren, smiling, sitting on a park bench with her laptop.